Monday, October 31, 2022

how to set date and time, NTP and timezone using timedatectl

How to set date and time, NTP and timezone using timedatectl


 This utility is part of system systemd and service manager.

Output :

# timedatectl
      Local time: Mon 2022-10-31 12:05:43 GMT
  Universal time: Mon 2022-10-31 12:05:43 UTC
        RTC time: Mon 2022-10-31 12:05:43
       Time zone: Europe/London (GMT, +0000)
     NTP enabled: yes
 NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: yes
      DST active: no

This output shows the :
Local time,
universal time,
RTC time,
time zone,
NTP configuration
Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Change the current date and Time :

set the date:

# timedatectl set-time [YYYY-MM-DD]

set the time:

# timedatectl set-time [HH:MM:SS]


 To configure your system to use UTC, use the following command:

# timedatectl set-local-rtc yes


To configure your system to use UTC, use the following command:

# timedatectl set-local-rtc no

Change Time Zone :

# timedatectl list-timezones
. . . . . . . . 

# timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London


Configuring NTP : 

 Use the following command to enable this feature:

# timedatectl set-ntp yes

Use the following command to disable this automatic synchronization over NTP:
# timedatectl set-ntp no