Thursday, January 4, 2024

install php imagick php7.4


 How to install php imagick on php7.4?


 First you check, is imagick is install on the server or not, have few method to check it.

1. using command line, (connect the server using ssh), after successful connection, type command:

# php -m|grep imagick

2. using web, for this create a file info.php and paste this code to check which php extensions are installed.

vi info.php and paste this code there. 

phpinfo( );

 save this file, then browse it. like

and search imagick, you will show look like this :

if not installed, then very simple to install using this command.

 # yum install php74-php-pecl-imagick

 after that restart apache

# apachectl restart

it works...

If want to check php version installed on your server, Check using this command:

# sudo  yum  list  installed  | grep  php

You will see the list of php versions, installed on your server/pc.

